Timothy Caldecott
Timothy Douglas Caldecott
Age 27
Gene Status Mundane
Profession District Attorney
Affiliation Law
Played By Tom Hiddleston


Timothy is the eldest son of Mayor Caldecott, and generally somewhat of a poster child, now working in the District Attorney's office as the most junior district attorney in Vegas.

Character Information

Timothy stands a little bit over six feet tall, and fairly slim in build, with bright blue eyes. Curly brown hair is cut short in a business-like cut, and he is typically clean-shaven, adding to a slightly youthful appearance. He can generally be seen in a suit, or nice clothing appropriate for a lawyer, though he tries to eschew the tie.


Date Title Who What
June 16 Homecoming Caldecott, Stephanie, Timothy, & Zan It's not quite the happy reception for Timothy's return home.
June 21 Brotherly Love Rylie, Timothy, & Zan Rylie runs interference while Tim offers his thoughts on Zan's choices.
June 24 Nice to Meet You Jesus & Timothy A chance meeting turns into an odd sort of introduction.
June 25 The Mash Up Rylie, Timothy, & Zan Dinner at the Caldecott home is avoided by both Caldecott sons when Rylie invites Timothy to join her and Zan for the evening.
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