These are abilities and concepts that cannot and will not be approved on the grid. They are the abilities of specific NPC's to the genre and should not be put into play except by those NPC's. They are also powers that are godlike or concepts that will not work well within the genre.
- True Invulnerability
- Immortality
- Power Copying or Power Switching abilities
- Molecular Manipulation
- Animal Shape-shifting/Animal-like features (claws, quills, etc)
- Age Shifting
- Necromancy
- Resurrection
- Instant Death abilities
- Vampirism
- Straight-up Healing
- Time Travel
- Characters under the age of 18 - This is Las Vegas, generally there is very little for children in Vegas. There are no exceptions, so please don't app someone under 18.
- TS vehicles. Defined as characters created for the sole or mostly purpose of TS. If you create someone that we suspect will be used for that purpose, you will not be approved. We may ask for adjustments to app elements we deem to be red flags.
- As a note, guys, we're not allowing sex workers. I know, I know, it's Vegas, but we're not all the same. Strippers, show girls/boys and that sort of thing are allowed on a case-by-case basis, but once there's sex involved, it's out of the running.
These are abilities that we welcome on the grid, but will be scrutinized to within an inch of their letters, to ensure that they are not overpowered/overused/abused. If you want to apply for one of these concepts, please contact staff to discuss it beforehand. Usually we'll ask for a write up of a brief concept for the character and a detailed write up of the ability. Just be prepared for us to say no sometimes or ask for extensive alterations.
- Healers - If you are going to app one, there must be a significant drawback to the use of their ability. We do not want a proliferation of them on the grid as then no character will ever learn from their mistakes!
- Telepathy - Telepathy is a popular power we've found and one that can often be abused. Therefore it is in the limited pile.
- Persuasion - Though this is a non-consent game, this is a tricky ability unless done right, and it's very hard to do it right and be respectful of your fellow players.
- Probability Manipulation - Another ability that is very hard to do right and as such, will need a stellar app to be approved.
- Regeneration - On a scale that resembles Claire's or Adam's will be denied, but lesser manifestations or particularly interesting ones would be considered with a well done app.
- Pregnancy. We don't mind that players want to go down this road, but before you do, we need you to speak to staff so that we may approve this. We want to avoid things like Roleplayers Remorse and to be sure you're aware and alright with the fact that this is a non-consent game and as such, bad juju can happen to you. Even to pregnant characters. (Particularly under ICA=ICC.) Feel welcome to explore this as part of your personal plot, but know that we do want you to come and talk to us so that the staff know that you understand what you are signing yourself up for and we're all on the same page.
On Hold
Don't app these for now. This is a list of what is currently maxed out or in plenty on the game and is subject to change as characters come and go.
- Advanced Company Agents
To see what we are in need of, please continue to here.